Theatre Conference JAMU 2022


Registration for Visitors

Organising Committee

doc. MgA. Hana Průchová, Ph.D.

doc. MgA. Hana Průchová, Ph.D.

Vice-dean for Research at the Theatre Faculty JAMU. Senior lecturer at the Theatre Management and Stage Technology Department in the same place. She focuses on project management and marketing in performing arts. Besides academic career, she works as a fundraiser at several festivals and cultural events.

MgA. Šimon Peták

MgA. Šimon Peták

My main fields are writing, dramaturgy and dramaturgy education.

I graduated from JAMU (both BA and MA) where I studied theatre dramaturgy. Currently I continue my studies as a doctoral student. My Ph.D. topic is focused on dramaturgy education; as a field researcher I visit universities in Europe where dramaturgy is studied and taught with the aim to learn about different approaches and patterns towards dramaturgy and its tuition. In 2019 I visited Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and Justus-Liebig University in Giessen (Germany). In 2021 I did my research at Uniarts Helsinki (Finland).

Since 2020 I teach courses for students of dramaturgy and directing, Physical Theatre Department and Erasmus exchange students at JAMU. My research and my pedagogical activity are closely linked. 

In my artistic practise I switch between working on individual projects in theatre institutions and on independent projects. So far I have written texts for approx. 10 performances staged on Czech and Slovakian scenes. Besides that I write poetry and songs.

As a dramaturg I tend to be more and more interested in body and movement based work.

Mgr. Anna Lahodová

Mgr. Anna Lahodová

Conference Organisation Coordinator

Head of the Public Relations and Internationalization at JAMU Theatre Faculty. Her main focus is on public relations and cooperation with international partners and partner universities as well as on international projects. At present, she specialises on the improvement of bilateral partnerships and hosting cultural exchanges.