There are many radio dramas that are based on the principles of radio journalism. They often work with them so much that these dramas sound like common radio broadcasts. This special genre developed at the beginning of radio broadcasting, and it is still developing now. How these principles are used in radio drama is the central theme of my doctoral research. I think that many listeners and also authors do not realize the importance of this kind of radio play in history (it was this genre that opened up new options for radio broadcasting) and its present role is not negligible. My presentation would be divided into two parts. First, I would like to talk about these radio dramas in general (definition, characteristics, development, examples...). In the second part, I would like to focus on the international festival Prix Europa in Berlin (October 6–12), the biggest festival for television or radio artists. My doctoral research is based on the premise that the principles of radio journalism are often used in radio drama. The second part of my presentation would be focused on this premise – I would like to find out if this premise is true, and why. If possible, I would like to play selected samples of this phenomenon.
I graduated in Radio and Television Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting at Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. I am currently studying a PhD program at the Theatre faculty of the same university. I have cooperated with the Czech radio since 2013 and have prepared more than one hundred radio shows or reports. I worked as a culture editor in the Brno’s editorial office of the Czech Radio for two years. I also wrote several literary shows (about Leoš Janáček, Oscar Wilde, Arthur Conan Doyle, or Victorian female writers). In my doctoral research, I deal with radio dramas that are based on the principles of radio journalism. They often work with them so much that these dramas sound like standard radio broadcasts. My experiences in the Czech Radio are beneficial in my research because I always worked with the principles of journalism in my radio work. ‘Why do authors do that?‘ – this is one of many questions which interest me.